Mine is already coming to a big halt tomorrow. (smile)
I will have a minor surgery (so the doctors and nurses assure me) and will then be at home for at least three weeks recuperating.
While everything was rolling along quite nicely I realized that an unease has taken over my soul.
This is the first time in my life that I am the one in the hospital bed. I have always been on the other side. Helping others with good humour, supportive silence, advocating for their well-being if necessary, holding their hand, or giving them therapeutic touch.
This time it will be me receiving. I realize that it is much easier for me to give.
The biggest fear comes from giving up control, trusting in the medical staff and their judgment.
I feel humbled to have worked with so many people over the years that trusted me and my knowledge when they needed help.
Sure they didn't have to give up control but they said yes to a process they didn't know where exactly it would lead them and where open to be guided through various creative steps.
I will honour them by not giving into my fear. Instead taking my own advice, breathe deeply and accept all the healing thoughts that people have been sending me.
Do you have a story to tell where you had the feeling you are losing control?
What did you do to overcome your fear?
Would you like to share your strategies?
It would be great to hear what helped you to overcome fear.
From my heart to yours,
PS: I will be back end of January. (smile)