It has been two weeks of emotional stress. A good friend was so kind to bring me a plant as a late birthday gift.
What we both didn't realize or knew was that it can be a fatal idea to bring a lily into a household with pets.
Our cat got sick. First we didn't realize how serious it was. She vomited. She had the shakes. And then she stopped eating.
That was the moment I took her to the vet. When I told the doctor about all the symptoms she immediately asked: Do you have any lilies in your household?
The answer was unfortunately yes.
The blood and kidney levels had to be checked. The results were bad. I had to bring our cat to the emergency clinic. And she had to stay there for two days on IV fluids to flush out the toxins.
Then she came home and every night we had to put her back on the drip to get 150 ml under her skin. (Not a pleasant experience for all of us.)
Our cat is now much better and soon we can stop the regular IV drip. She does eat normal again and is enjoying the outside.
Why do I tell you this story?
The anticipatory grief was sometimes overwhelming. Blaming myself that I didn't know about the harm lilies can cause didn't help either.
I was reminded how fast a life can be lost. How fast a situation can change. That I can't keep everyone safe.
It also made me realize again what matters to me most. It is the ones that I love.
If you know what I mean go and give your loved ones a hug.
Tell them that you love them.
And keep lilies away from pets.
Take good care,
PS: Do you know how many poisonous house plants there are? Here is an impressive list.