With the beginning of July everything slows down a bit in my life. During that time I am always in danger to take on new challenges instead of embracing the calm and quiet that the summer months bring.
I have more time to be creative in my studio, take long walks in the morning before it gets too hot, and have finally time to attend to a very overgrown garden. (smile)
This year I want to focus on a mindful break and self-care.
Taking care of my needs for meditation, alone time, and creativity will be the priority.
What does self-care look like to you?
Is it walking, dancing, singing, meditating or preparing a good meal with fresh ingredients?
Or is it being alone in silence, taking a long shower, or being with friends at a busy beach?
I dare you to make a self-care plan for the next two weeks.
Listen to your inner voice and take at least 30 minutes per day to do something that fills you with content and yes happiness.
I would like to hear what self-care means to you.
Please let me know and I promise to answer each email personally. (smile)