You have lost someone. Each day unfolds in different ways and your mood changes.
How you feel right now might vary from two hours ago.
Grief is like a stress reaction. Our mind and body try to deal with a situation that implements a threat to our well-being. Like any other stress reaction it isn’t static nor the same for anyone.
Even if you have the feeling your grief is always there, if you look at your day closely you will experience that there are moments of relief.
Relief happens in small or brooder increments. Relief can happen when you work, when you are with others, when you read a book, when you do your laundry or cook. After those moments you might dive back into mourning.
Our focus moves back and forth between our loss and its implications and our immediate world with others and the present.
It is like many other processes in our body. We breathe in, we breathe out. We sleep, we are awake. Our muscles tens, our muscles relax.
We cannot breath in and out at the same time. We do it in cycles.
These cycles help us to stay healthy and engaged. These moments of relief show us our vigor and build upon our strengths.
Do you agree?
How do you experience your grief?
Let me know. I am happy to start a dialogue. I will answer all emails personally.
Take good care,