Sadness because I missed her and remembered all her busy preparations for the holidays.
Next to my brother and I, my mother was looking after ten other children from the neighbourhood. Every year she encouraged all of us to create handcrafted presents for relatives and friends. In November our apartment turned into a craft shop. Brushes, wooden spoons, acrylic paint, wool, and glue made their way onto every free table.
One year the whole apartment building smelt of beeswax for weeks because we all were making our own beeswax candles. It took hours and lots of patience but ever since I love the smell of beeswax.
Which scents do you like that bring you comfort?
I encourage you to find the smells that bring you comfort.
Perhaps it is an herb, an incense, a cream, a perfume or....
If you can’t find it in your household go out and buy it. You don’t need a big quantity of it.
Treat yourself to the comforting smells of your life and bring a smile to your present day. Which scents give you comfort?
Share your stories and scents at
Take good care,