The last three months have been full of losses for friends and family members.
An accumulation of loss and death was happening.
It made it difficult to be there for every one.
Despite all my knowledge of loss, grief, and support I found myself at a loss for words sometimes.
It was also the repetition of my words that made me feel unsupportive.
Instead I started to write cards and hope that they conveyed my heartfelt support better.
Do you remember awkward moments when you were in the midst of your grief?
Someone reaches out to you.
Only afterwards, you feel more alone than before?
Why is it so difficult to find the right words?
Is it because we have not learned how to empathize with a grieving friend?
Is it because some of our own grief is still lingering making it difficult to be there for others?
And still.
If you are grieving it is important to reach out to others.
To open yourself up to heal.
Perhaps you can forgive your fellow grief travellers for their helplessness and awkward words.
In any case.
Be brave!
Reach out to others.
Get the comfort you need to heal your broken heart.
Take good care,
PS: If you celebrate Easter and wonder how to get through these holidays have a look at the following posts I wrote about holidays. You can adapt everything to any holiday.